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D estination W edding M menaxhment

Dasmat e destinacionit mund të kërkojnë shumë kohë, veçanërisht kur kemi të bëjmë me vende të tjera dhe pengesa gjuhësore.  Mos u shqetësoni A. Marie Events & Design ofron shumë paketa dhe shërbime për t'ju ndihmuar të lundroni në të gjithë këtë proces, duke përfshirë aftësinë për të trajtuar ju dhe aranzhimet e hotelit tuaj të ftuar dhe udhëtimit me shërbimet tona të udhëtimit të portierit.

A. Marie Events and Design LLC kërkon dhe rekomandon të gjitha  e klientëve tanë për të blerë sigurimin e ngjarjeve!!

Klikoni mbi emrat e shërbimeve për detajet e plota të paketës

Financial Commitment

A. Marie Events & Design LLC do të hulumtojë dhe këshillojë për zgjedhjen e destinacionit dhe vendpushimeve të duhura. Analiza jonë do të përfshijë stilin tuaj personal të udhëtimit, si dhe madhësinë e grupit dhe buxhetet për (ju dhe mysafirin tuaj) Ne rekomandojmë vetëm produkte të zgjedhura - çdo hotel, kompani turistike, ekskursion, është zgjedhur me kujdes për të përmbushur standardet tona më të larta për cilësinë dhe shërbimin. .  Asnjë hamendje nga ana jonë dhe padyshim asnjë shqetësim nga ana juaj. 

Concierge Travel Services:
As a dedicated Destination Wedding Planner and Travel Specialist, we want you to take comfort in knowing that we are personally working with you, your family and friends


Consultation Travel Services:
A. Marie Events LLC will research and advise on selecting the right destination and resorts. Our analysis will incorporate your personal travel style, as well as group size and spending plan for (you and your guest) We recommend only select products - each hotel, tour company, excursion, is carefully chosen to meet our highest of standards for quality and service. No guessing on our part and definitely no worries on yours.


Group Travel Services:
We will coordinate all of your group travel requirements from the day we start working with you until you return home from your wedding. The A. Marie Events & Design LLC travel team will negotiate a group rate for air, hotel accommodations, travel protection, airport transfers, car rentals, tours and excursions and any other travel related services you and your group members may require.


Concierge Travel:
Offer personalized travel services to all group members. A. Marie Events & Design LLC will tailor its services to each guest on a one on one basis ensuring full access to your Travel Account Manager via phone and e-mail.

  • We will confirm the availability and reserve the date at your selected resort.

  • 20 hours of wedding planning to help you with the overall wedding vision, tips, and advice from our Destination Wedding Planners to ensure your vision come to life at the resort.

  • Well will also provide you a detailed outline and budget spreadsheet to work from.

  • Advise as to what paperwork is needed before you leave in obtaining proper legal work with the destination country.

We will introduce you via email and/or phone with the resort wedding coordinator, who will help plan the wedding, reception and any additional events on-site.You will receive our current list of the "best of the best" VendorsPre-screen any additional/new wedding vendors to make sure they fit the A. Marie Events LLC Standards.

Receive e-mails from your A. Marie Events LLC wedding consultant destination wedding trends, styles, décor, gift bags and more great ideas for your wedding.


We have a partnership with several invitation designers, providing gorgeous invitations and all printed accessories.


Partial destination wedding management
Financial Commitment 
$6995 + Travel Fees not Included

A.  Marie Events & Design LLC do të hulumtojë dhe këshillojë për zgjedhjen e destinacionit dhe vendpushimeve të duhura.  Analiza jonë do të përfshijë stilin tuaj personal të udhëtimit, si dhe madhësinë e grupit dhe buxhetet për (ju dhe mysafirin tuaj) Ne rekomandojmë vetëm produkte të zgjedhura - çdo hotel, kompani turistike, ekskursion, është zgjedhur me kujdes për të përmbushur standardet tona më të larta për cilësinë dhe shërbimin. .  Asnjë hamendje nga ana jonë dhe padyshim asnjë shqetësim nga ana juaj


Ne do të koordinojmë të gjitha kërkesat tuaja të udhëtimit në grup që nga dita kur fillojmë të punojmë me ju deri sa të ktheheni në shtëpi nga dasma juaj.  Ekipi i udhëtimit i A. Marie Events & Design LLC do të negociojë një tarifë grupi për ajrin, akomodimin në hotel, mbrojtjen e udhëtimit, transfertat në aeroport, makinat me qira, turne dhe ekskursione dhe çdo shërbim tjetër që lidhet me udhëtimin që ju dhe anëtarët e grupit tuaj mund të kërkoni.

Ofroni shërbime të personalizuara udhëtimi për të gjithë anëtarët e grupit.  A. Marie Events LLC do t'i përshtatë shërbimet e saj çdo mysafiri në mënyrë individuale, duke siguruar akses të plotë në menaxherin e llogarisë tuaj të udhëtimit nëpërmjet telefonit dhe postës elektronike.

Concierge Travel Services:

As a dedicated Destination Wedding Planner and Travel Specialist, we want you to take comfort in knowing that we are personally working with you, your family and friends

Consultation Travel Services:

A. Marie Events & Design LLC will research and advise on selecting the right destination and resorts. Our analysis will incorporate your personal travel style, as well as group size and budgets for (you and your guest) We recommend only select products - each hotel, tour company, excursion, is carefully chosen to meet our highest of standards for quality and service. No guessing on our part and definitely no worries on yours.

Group Travel Services:

We will coordinate all of your group travel requirements from the day we start working with you until you return home from your wedding. The A. Marie Events & Design LLC travel team will negotiate a group rate for air, hotel accommodations, travel protection, airport transfers, car rentals, tours and excursions and any other travel related services you and your group members may require.

Concierge Travel:

Offer personalized travel services to all group members. A. Marie Events LLC will tailor its services to each guest on a one on one basis ensuring full access to your Travel Account Manager via phone and e-mail.


Concierge Travel:

Offer personalized travel services to all group members. A. Marie Events LLC will tailor its services to each guest on a one on one basis ensuring full access to your Travel Account Manager via phone and e-mail.

  • We will confirm the availability and reserve the date at your selected resort.

  • Well will also provide you a detailed outline and budget spreadsheet to work from.

  • Advise as to what paperwork is needed before you leave in obtaining proper legal work with the destination country.

  • We will introduce you via email and/or phone with the resort wedding coordinator, who will help plan the wedding, reception and any additional events on-site.

  • You will receive our current list of the "best of the best" Vendors

  • Pre-screen any additional/new wedding vendors to make sure they fit the A. Marie Events & Design LLC Standard’s..

  • Receive e-mails from your A. Marie Events & Design LLC wedding consultant on destination wedding trends, styles, décor, gift bags and more great ideas for your wedding.

  • We have a partnership with several invitation designers, providing gorgeous invitations and all printed accessories.

  • Verify the availability and advice on a suitable ceremony and reception location at the resort

  • Help you organize by creating an individual monthly schedule

  • Consult on overall design, color and theme ideas

  • Advise on menu option

  • For you and your guest to keep everyone on schedule

  • Assist with the formal invitation, other printed materials, unique wedding favors, decorations and wedding accessories.

  • Prepare a wedding schedule and checklist.

  • On-site to coordinate the wedding ceremony and reception directly with the resort arriving 2 days before the wedding.

             includes a Destination Wedding Day Emergency Kit


  • Unlimited Communication with your Destination Wedding Planner

  • 25 hours of personalized wedding planning services devoted to coordinating the following services directly with the resort. Flowers, Site Visits, Bride and Groom Spa Services, Wedding Cake, Wedding

  • Music, Officiant, Photographer, Videographer, Ceremony and Reception Decorations, Rental Facility, Equipment and Supplies, Service Staff, Vendors, Vendor Contracts, Overall Management.


Full Destination Wedding Management 
Financial Committment
$9695.00 + Travel Expenses not included

 Në A. Marie Events & Design LLC, ne besojmë se dasma juaj është një ditë e veçantë që do ta mbani mend dhe do ta vlerësoni gjithmonë, prandaj besojmë se është e rëndësishme të krijoni një martesë unike që pasqyron ju dhe stilin dhe personalitetin e të fejuarit tuaj, kështu që nëse po kërkoni për një dasmë intime me destinacion të vogël ose një fundjavë dasme me ngjarje të shumta, misioni ynë është i thjeshtë:

Ju ndihmojë të krijoni një dasmë dhe ngjarje elegante dhe elegante që pasqyron stilin, vizionin dhe planin tuaj të shpenzimeve.  Një Marie Events & Design do të ndihmojë në thjeshtimin e procesit të planifikimit dhe do ta bëjë atë një përvojë argëtuese dhe emocionuese dhe krijimin e një eksperience të jashtëzakonshme që ju dhe të ftuarit tuaj do ta mbani mend për një jetë.


Ne krenohemi për ofrimin e çdo dasme të destinacionit me një stil elegant, planifikim të patëmetë dhe ekzekutim pa probleme.  Nga detajet më të bukura të plazheve të vogla ose kopshteve tropikale deri te dasmat e destinacioneve luksoze në shkallë të gjerë, ne do të ndihmojmë në krijimin e një jave/fundjave dasme të pabesueshme dhe të paharrueshme për ju dhe mysafirin tuaj.

A Marie Events & Design Destination Wedding Venue Locations Services:


  • At A. Marie Events & Design LLC, we will help you find the appropriate destination wedding location, book the venue so you can continue the wedding planning on your own.

  • Initial consultation to discuss destination wedding and assist you with the etiquette and protocol for destination wedding planning

  • Unlimited phone and e-mail support

  • Create three suitable destination wedding budgets based on your wedding vision and number of guests

  • Provide you with up to three destination wedding and reception venue options, itineraries pricing, preferred vendors and deposits requirements to help you determine the appropriate destination venue location

  • Provide you with marriage and required documents for your destination wedding ceremony

  • Researching, analyzing and booking room group contract option and pricing with resorts and hotels for your wedding and special events guests

  • Create wedding day and special events timeline management documentation

  • Book your wedding and special events date and provide you with on-site wedding and event venue location contact to continue the wedding and special event planning on your own.

A Marie Events & Design Destination Wedding Venue Locations and Site Inspection Services:


  • A. Marie Events & Design LLC will help coordinate your site inspection to determine the venue and resort location.

  • Create wedding design and décor ideas for your destination wedding and schedule vendor meetings and menu tasting.

  • Site inspection needs to be planned 1 year to 8 months of wedding date.

  • Initial consultation to discuss destination wedding, or special event and assist you with the etiquette and protocol for destination wedding planning

  • Create a suitable destination wedding and special event budget based on your wedding vision and number of guests

  • Provide you with up to three destination venue location options, itineraries pricing, preferred vendors and deposits requirements to help you determine the appropriate location for your wedding or special event.

  • Arrange site inspections and schedule meetings with vendors to visit your wedding site prior to your event date if necessary, based on your wedding location

  • Create timeline and meeting agenda with all your wedding vendors

  • Assist you in choosing your wedding floral design for your wedding ceremony and reception including specialty linen, chargers, centerpieces, draping, lighting and cake design.

  • Develop a design inspiration board in order to share and to communicate with your vendors during your site inspection.

  • Assist you in choosing a wedding and reception menu and coordinate tasting menu sample with the catering manger

  • A Marie Events & Design Stylish Destination Weddings Design Services:

  • A. Marie Events & Design LLC will help you create a Stylish & Sophisticated Destination Wedding & Event Design and Décor

  • Assist you in creating your selection of colors, developing a wedding theme and décor.

  • Assist you in choosing your wedding floral design for your wedding ceremony and reception including specialty linen, chargers, centerpieces, draping, lighting and cake design.

  • Assisting you with the design of invitations and ideas for "Save the Date" notes, wedding programs and menu card ideas and samples

  • Assisting you in creating unique favors and gifts and welcome bags that reflects your own style and personality and coordinate with the resort to have welcome bags delivered to guest rooms prior to their arrival.

  • Develop a design inspiration board in order to share and to communicate with your vendors.

Includes a Destination Wedding Emergency Kit 


Kutia Postare 227

Palm Beach FL, 33480

Ofrimi i shërbimeve në Florida të Jugut dhe më gjerë

Tel:  1-321-205-8326  



© 2023 nga A. Marie Events & Design LLC

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