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P orschia ir Darvinas
Anita was an incredible person to work with, she was attentive and understood what we wanted for our wedding almost like she could visually see it. She communicated with us every step of the way and and checked on us almost weekly to see if we needed anything. She handled all the communication with our vendors which was a load off of our shoulders and made our planning process so easy. Our wedding day was just bliss. She was amazing as well as her team!!
Mes tiesiog negalime išreikšti savo dėkingumo už nuostabią patirtį, kurią patyrėme planuodami savo vestuves su Anita. Taigi, kai ji paprašė mūsų palikti jai apžvalgą, kurią aš ką tik turėjau, ji tikrai privertė mus jausti, kad planavimo procesas bus lengvas ir nebus toks įtemptas, kaip tikėjomės. Turiu pasakyti, kad ji buvo visiškai teisi, mes kalbėjomės su daugybe planuotojų prieš susitikdami su ja, ir ji buvo vienintelė, kuri privertė mus jaustis tikri, kad viskas bus gerai, ir tarsi mes buvome vieninteliai jos klientai. Mūsų vestuvių dieną ji padarė būtent tai, ką pažadėjo, ir mes turėjome geriausią dieną, kokią tik galėjome turėti. Jau nekalbant apie tai, kad jis man labai padėjo su kai kuriomis mažomis smulkmenomis, kurias norėjau pasidaryti pats, ir ji to prisiėmė ir man. ji padėjo išsirinkti vestuvinius drabužius man, mano sužadėtiniui ir vestuvinei vakarėliui, ji tiesiogine prasme laikė mus už rankos viso proceso metu ir nuramino, kai perėjome į panikos režimą. Ji yra nuostabi moteris ir neįtikėtina vestuvių planuotoja, kuri jūsų vestuvių dieną nepalieka nė vieno akmens ir buvo verta kiekvieno cento, kurį išleidome jos paslaugoms.
From the moment we met, she exuded professionalism, warmth, and an uncanny ability to visualize our dream wedding down to the last detail. Anita was more than just an organizer. She was a confidant, a creative director, a negotiator, a budget analyst, and sometimes even a therapist. Her expertise is unparalleled and her passion for her craft is evident in every decision she made. One of the things I appreciated most about our Anita was her impeccable attention to detail. Nothing slipped through the cracks, no matter how it might have seemed. Every element, from the floral arrangements to the seating chart, was handled with meticulous care. Moreover, her communication skills were second to none. Her prompt responses and regular updates made us feel at ease throughout the entire process. She listened to our ideas and translated them into a reality that far exceeded our expectations. The day of the wedding was a true testament to her dedication and hard work. Everything was seamlessly orchestrated, leaving us to fully immerse ourselves in the joy and love of our special day. She handled any potential stressors with grace and efficiency, ensuring that nothing could possibly tarnish our celebration. The level of personalization and thoughtfulness that she injected into every aspect of our wedding was truly touching. She took the time to understand us as a couple and used this knowledge to create a celebration that was unique and meaningful. In retrospect, I am certain that our wedding wouldn't have been as magical or as smooth without her expertise, dedication, and passion. I wholeheartedly recommend our A. Marie Events & Design to any couple seeking a stress-free, beautifully orchestrated wedding. Her professionalism, creativity, and commitment was unmatched. In the end, Anita was not just a planner but an integral part of our wedding story. She made our dream wedding come true and for that, we will forever be grateful.
Anita was absolutely amazing my husband and I was looking for a planner who was LGBTQ+ Friendly and we looked at several planners but really loved her personality and her charm. She was very personable and communicated very well what we were getting from her services. No matter how many times we called, texted or emailed her questions or concerns she quickly responded and eased our worries, she connected us with some amazing LGBTQ+ friendly vendors and completely helped us through the whole process. Our wedding day was incredibly memorable and we have Anita to thank for her and her teams assistance in making our dream wedding come to fruition.
Ramon & cecil
Razan & adam
Anita was absolutely spectacular and catered to our every needs throughout the entire process. She went above and beyond with everything and made our wedding the perfect dream wedding. I would highly recommend her to anyone! She was a great communicator and very accommodating. Can’t say enough about her ability to make this a stress free wedding.
K atie ir Bradas
Ačiū, mergaite, kad įgyvendinai mano svajones, tu nužudei tai ir aš negaliu tau pakankamai padėkoti. Jei rimtai, man taip pasisekė, kad radau tave taip, kad net negaliu pasakyti, kaip mums viskas patiko, ir aš esu labai lengvas, bet COVID lygmeniu planavau tai tris kartus, todėl lūkesčiai buvo dideli... ačiū už viską
D amira ir Robertas
Galiu pasakyti tik tiek, kad Anita yra pragariška planuotoja, ji buvo tokia nuostabi, kad negaliu apsakyti žodžiais, kokį neįtikėtiną darbą ji padarė dėl mūsų. Ji tikrai įsitikino, kad viskas yra būtent taip, kaip aš norėjau. Mūsų svečiams skirtus sveikinimo dovanų maišelius jie mylėjo ir turi iki šiol. Ji netgi turėjo dovanų man ir mano vyrui mūsų kambariuose mūsų vestuvių rytą, o tai iš jos pusės buvo gražus juokdarys. Jei ieškote kelionės tikslo vestuvių planuotojo A. Marie Renginiai ir dizainas yra tinkamas būdas. Šiais metais susilaukėme pirmojo kūdikio ir ji ne tik prisiminė mūsų jubiliejų, bet ir atsiuntė mums dovaną naujajam kūdikiui.
H olly ir Dana
A. Marie Events & Design labai padėjo man ir mano žmonai Danai planuoti vestuves. Surengėme ceremoniją ir priėmimą lauke, kurie buvo šiek tiek sudėtingi ir nebuvome tikri, ar vietos užteks tam, ką norime padaryti. Anita patikino, kad tai padarys, ir padarė nuostabų darbą su dekoro dizainu, viskas buvo tobula, o mūsų svečiams tai patiko. buvo puiku, kad ji dirbo su mumis pagal bendro draugo siuntimą.
M anletas ir Aronas
Anita ir jos padėjėja Amanda atliko nepaprastą darbą, padėdami suplanuoti mūsų kelionės tikslo vestuves Barbadose. Įskaitant pagalbą mums ieškant tobulų ceremonijų ir priėmimo vietų, o kadangi ji taip pat keliauja, ji galėjo pasirūpinti mūsų ir mūsų kelionių organizavimu. Be viso to, ji sukūrė mūsų nuostabius svečių krepšius, dekorą, kvietimą, išsaugojo datas ir dar daugiau, turėjome puikią planavimo patirtį, todėl atrodė, kad mums tereikia pasirodyti. Ji tikrai buvo verta pinigų ir tai buvo beveik vieno langelio principas.
Anita was great at planning our wedding very professional and communicated with us well, she was a referral from a friend who lived in LA and Florida and after speaking with her we decided she was the right fit for us. A lot of the planning was done through email, and zoom but when it was really important she flew out to California to meet with our vendors with us. She was unbelievable patient and understanding with us even when we were difficult and indecisive. It was a great experience and our wedding went off without a hitch. If there were any problems she made sure we didn’t know about it. Her and her team’s assistance in making our day everything we expected was incredibly amazing. We are still friends today and I would definitely recommend her to anyone. Anita was great at planning our wedding very professional and communicated with us well, she was a referral from a friend who lived in LA and Florida and after speaking with her we decided she was the right fit for us. A lot of the planning was done through email, and zoom but when it was really important she flew out to California to meet with our vendors with us. She was unbelievable patient and understanding with us even when we were difficult and indecisive. It was a great experience and our wedding went off without a hitch. If there were any problems she made sure we didn’t know about it. Her and her team’s assistance in making our day everything we expected was incredibly amazing. We are still friends today and I would definitely recommend her to anyone.