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P orschia en Darwin

Anita was an incredible person to work with, she was attentive and understood what we wanted for our wedding almost like she could visually see it. She communicated with us every step of the way and and checked on us almost weekly to see if we needed anything. She handled all the communication with our vendors which was a load off of our shoulders and made our planning process so easy. Our wedding day was just bliss. She was amazing as well as her team!!


Ons kan net nie ons dankbaarheid uitspreek vir die wonderlike ervaring wat ons gehad het om ons troue saam met Anita te beplan nie.  Toe sy ons dus vra om vir haar 'n resensie te gee wat ek sopas ook gehad het, het sy ons regtig laat voel dat hierdie beplanningsproses maklik gaan wees en nie so stresvol as wat ons verwag het nie.  Ek moet sê sy was heeltemal reg, ons het met baie beplanners gepraat voordat ons haar ontmoet het en sy was die enigste een wat ons vol vertroue laat voel het dat alles reg gaan wees en asof ons die enigste kliënte was wat sy gehad het.  Op ons troudag het sy presies gedoen wat sy belowe het sy sou doen, en ons het die beste dag gehad wat ons moontlik kon hê.  Om nie te praat van sy nie, hy het my baie gehelp met van die klein besonderhede wat ek self wou doen en sy het dit ook vir my aangeneem.  sy het gehelp met die uitsoek van troudrag vir my, my verloofde en die bruidspartytjie, sy het letterlik ons hand vasgehou deur die hele proses en ons gerusgestel toe ons in paniekmodus gegaan het.  Sy is 'n ongelooflike vrou en 'n ongelooflike troubeplanner wat geen steen op jou troudag ongeskonde laat nie en elke sent werd was wat ons op haar dienste spandeer het.


From the moment we met, she exuded professionalism, warmth, and an uncanny ability to visualize our dream wedding down to the last detail. Anita was more than just an organizer. She was a confidant, a creative director, a negotiator, a budget analyst, and sometimes even a therapist. Her expertise is unparalleled and her passion for her craft is evident in every decision she made. One of the things I appreciated most about our Anita was her impeccable attention to detail. Nothing slipped through the cracks, no matter how it might have seemed. Every element, from the floral arrangements to the seating chart, was handled with meticulous care. Moreover, her communication skills were second to none. Her prompt responses and regular updates made us feel at ease throughout the entire process. She listened to our ideas and translated them into a reality that far exceeded our expectations. The day of the wedding was a true testament to her dedication and hard work. Everything was seamlessly orchestrated, leaving us to fully immerse ourselves in the joy and love of our special day. She handled any potential stressors with grace and efficiency, ensuring that nothing could possibly tarnish our celebration. The level of personalization and thoughtfulness that she injected into every aspect of our wedding was truly touching. She took the time to understand us as a couple and used this knowledge to create a celebration that was unique and meaningful. In retrospect, I am certain that our wedding wouldn't have been as magical or as smooth without her expertise, dedication, and passion. I wholeheartedly recommend our A. Marie Events & Design to any couple seeking a stress-free, beautifully orchestrated wedding. Her professionalism, creativity, and commitment was unmatched. In the end, Anita was not just a planner but an integral part of our wedding story. She made our dream wedding come true and for that, we will forever be grateful.

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Ramon & cecil

Anita was absolutely amazing my husband and I was looking for a planner who was LGBTQ+ Friendly and we looked at several planners but really loved her personality and her charm. She was very personable and communicated very well what we were getting from her services. No matter how many times we called, texted or emailed her questions or concerns she quickly responded and eased our worries, she connected us with some amazing LGBTQ+ friendly vendors and completely helped us through the whole process. Our wedding day was incredibly memorable and we have Anita to thank for her and her teams assistance in making our dream wedding come to fruition.

Razan & adam

Anita was absolutely spectacular and catered to our every needs throughout the entire process. She went above and beyond with everything and made our wedding the perfect dream wedding. I would highly recommend her to anyone! She was a great communicator and very accommodating. Can’t say enough about her ability to make this a stress free wedding.

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 Katie & Brad

Dankie meisie jy het my drome waar gemaak jy maak dit dood en ek kan jou nie genoeg bedank nie.  Ernstig, ek is so gelukkig dat ek jou gevind het asof ek nie eers vir jou kan sê hoe baie ons alles geniet het nie en ek is baie maklik, maar binne COVID is dit asof ek dit drie keer beplan het, so verwagtinge was hoog... dankie vir alles

D amira en Robert

Al wat ek kan sê is Anita is 'n wonderlike beplanner, sy was so wonderlik dat ek nie in woorde kan omskryf watter ongelooflike werk sy vir ons gedoen het nie. Sy het beslis seker gemaak alles is presies soos ek dit wou hê. Die verwelkomingsgeskenksakkies vir ons gaste hulle was lief vir hulle en het dit tot vandag toe, Sy het selfs geskenke vir my en my man in ons kamers gehad die oggend van ons troue wat 'n pragtige nar van haar kant was. As jy op soek is na 'n Bestemming Wedding Planner is A. Marie Events & Design die pad om te gaan. Ons het hierdie jaar ons eerste baba gehad en nie net het sy ons herdenking onthou nie, sy het ook vir ons 'n geskenk vir ons nuwe baba gestuur.

Destination Wedding
Barbados Destination Wedding
M anlet & Aaron

Anita en haar assistent Amanda het 'n buitengewone werk gedoen met die beplanning van ons bestemmingstroue in Barbados. Insluitend om ons te help met die vind van die perfekte seremonie en onthaalplekke, en aangesien sien ook reis, kon sy ons en ons reisreëlings tref.   Boonop het sy ons fantastiese gaste-verwelkomingstasse, dekor, uitnodiging, bewaar die datums en soveel meer ontwerp,  ons het 'n wonderlike beplanningservaring gehad dit het regtig gevoel asof al wat ons moes doen is om op te daag.  Sy was beslis die geld werd en dit was amper 'n eenstopwinkel.

H ollie & Dana

A. Marie Events & Design het my en my vrou Dana so baie gehelp met die beplanning van ons troue.  Ons het 'n buite-seremonie en onthaal gehad wat 'n bietjie ingewikkeld was, en was nie seker of die spasie genoeg sou wees vir wat ons wou doen nie.  Anita het ons verseker dit sou en het puik werk gedoen met die dekorontwerp alles was perfek en ons gas was mal daaroor.  dit was wonderlik om haar by ons te laat werk op 'n verwysing van 'n gemeenskaplike vriend.

Beautiful LGBT Wedding

Anita was great at planning our wedding very professional and communicated with us well, she was a referral from a friend who lived in LA and Florida and after speaking with her we decided she was the right fit for us. A lot of the planning was done through email, and zoom but when it was really important she flew out to California to meet with our vendors with us.  She was unbelievable patient and understanding with us even when we were difficult and indecisive. It was a great experience and our wedding went off without a hitch. If there were any problems she made sure we didn’t know about it. Her and her team’s assistance in making our day everything we expected was incredibly amazing. We are still friends today and I would definitely recommend her to anyone.  Anita was great at planning our wedding very professional and communicated with us well, she was a referral from a friend who lived in LA and Florida and after speaking with her we decided she was the right fit for us. A lot of the planning was done through email, and zoom but when it was really important she flew out to California to meet with our vendors with us.  She was unbelievable patient and understanding with us even when we were difficult and indecisive. It was a great experience and our wedding went off without a hitch. If there were any problems she made sure we didn’t know about it. Her and her team’s assistance in making our day everything we expected was incredibly amazing. We are still friends today and I would definitely recommend her to anyone.

Vicki & Allen


Ek het nie woorde om my dankie uit te spreek nie,  jy is vriendelik, deftig en georganiseerd!  Hou  die goeie werk op.

XO,  Vicki


Goeie werk! as gevolg van jou was ons troue 



EAU Palm Beach Resort & Spa Elopment

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